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*iklan: alamak!! ad eksiden pulak kat smpang kdai neh...(online kat kdai sahul)



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Sep 29, 2010

Siapakah Lucifier??

Lucifer adalah nama yang seringkali diberikan kepada syaitan (Iblis) dalam kepercayaan Kristian berdasarkan penafsiran dari sebuah ayat dalam Kitab Yesaya, Bible. Penggunaannya berasal daripada pelbagai tafsiran, sebagai rujukan kepada iblis yang jatuh (dari syurga) kepada nama syaitan sebelum ia diusir dari syurga.
Dalam bahasa Latin, kata "Lucifer" yang bererti "Pembawa Cahaya" (dari lux, lucis, "cahaya", dan "ferre", "membawa"), ialah nama untuk "Bintang Fajar" (planet Zuhrah) ketika muncul pada dini hari). Versi Vulgata Kitab Bible dalam bahasa Latin menggunakan kata ini dua kali untuk merujuk kepada Bintang Fajar: sekali dalam 2 Petrus 1:19 untuk menterjemahkan kata bahasa Yunani "Φωσφa2;ρος" (Fosforos), yang mempunyai erti harfiah yang persis sama dengan "Pembawa Cahaya" yang dimiliki "Lucifer" dalam bahasa Latin; dan sekali dalam Yesaya 14:12 untuk menerjemahkan "הילל" (Hêlēl), yang juga bererti "Bintang Fajar". Dalam ayat yang kemudian nama "Bintang Fajar" diberikan kepada Raja Babylon yang zalim, yang dikatakan oleh nabi akan jatuh. Ayat ini kemudiannya diberikan kepada raja iblis, dan dengan demikian nama "Lucifer" kemudian digunakan untuk syaitan, dan dipopularkan dalam karya-karya seperti "Inferno" oleh Dante dan "Paradise Lost" oleh Milton, tetapi bagi para pengguna bahasa Inggeris, pengaruhnya yang terbesar disebabkan kerana nama ini digunakan dalam Kitab Bible Versi Raja James, sementara versi-versi bahasa Inggeris lainnya menterjemahkannya dengan "Bintang Fajar" atau "Bintang Siang".
Sepotong nas serupa dalam Kitab Yehezkiel 28:11-19 mengenai Raja Tirus juga diberikan kepada syaitan, sehingga menambahkan gambaran lain kepada gambaran syaitan dan kejatuhannya yang tradisional. sesetengah orang mengatakannya azazel @iblis..

Golongan syaitan ini yang diketuai oleh (Azazel)selepas ingkar dengan perintah Allah disebut(iblis laknatullah)@(devil of lucifer). Walau bagaimanapun, menurut Islam, Syaitan dicipta dari api oleh Allah S.W.T. dan juga dikatakan berasal dari golongan Jin sebelum dipilih menjadi Malaikat. Ini membezakannya dari malaikat-malaikat lain. Disebabkan iblis ini menentang perintah Allah, dia diusir dari golongan malaikat dan dari Syurga, kerana ingkar akan perintah Allah untuk sujud kepada Nabi Adam sebagai penghormatan ciptaan-Nya yang mulia. Menurut agama Islam, Tuhan meletakkan taraf manusia lebih tinggi daripada makhluk-makhluk yang lain kerana mereka diberikan akal - terutamanya untuk membandingkan yang buruk dari yang baik. Syaitan membangkang ciptaan Tuhan pada manusia dan mencegah dari menyujud di hadapan Adam seperti dilakukan oleh para malaikat lain. Tuhan bertanya kepada Syaitan: "Apakah yang mencegahmu sujud menghormati sesuatu yang telah Aku ciptakan dengan tangan-Ku?" Syaitan menjawab: "Aku adalah lebih mulia dan lebih unggul dari dia. Engkau ciptakan aku dari api dan menciptakannya dari lumpur." Ini menunjukkan bahawa Syaitan merasa dirinya lebih bertaraf tinggi dari Adam kerana dia diperbuat dari api dan Adam diperbuat dari tanah, yang dianggap tidak bersih dan rapuh. Syaitan berjanji dan berkata di hadapan Tuhan, Nabi Adam dan para malaikat bahawa dia akan membinasakan Adam dan seluruh keturunannya (iaitu golongan manusia) sampai hari Akhirat kelak..

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, 'Grandpa! I try to read the Quran just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?'

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, 'Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.'

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, 'You'll have to move a little faster next time,' and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.

The old man said, 'I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough,' and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, 'See Grandpa, it's useless!'

'So you think it is useless?' The old man said, 'Look at the basket.'

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

'Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives.'

Hukum Menamakan Yahudi dengan Israel

Syeikh Rabi’ bin Hadi Al-Madkhali

Segala puji bagi Allah, selawat dan salam semoga dicurahkan keatas Rasulullah, keluarganya, para sahabatnya, dan orang-orang yang mengikuti petunjuknya. Amma ba’du:

Di antara fenomena ganjil yang tersebar di kalangan kaum muslimin adalah menamakan dan menyebut negeri Yahudi yang dimurkai Allah dengan (panggilan) “Israel”!

Saya belum pernah melihat seorang pun yang mengingkari fenomena yang berbahaya ini, yang menyinggung kehormatan seorang rasul yang mulia, iaitu Ya’qub [*] Alaihish-shalatu wa sallam yang dipuji oleh Allah di dalam Kitab-Nya bersama dengan kedua bapaknya yang mulia; Ibrahim dan Ishaq Alaimas salam.

[*] Ya’qub adalah Israel sebagaimana dalam hadis dari Ibnu Abbas Radhiallahu ‘anhuma bahawasanya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bertanya kepada orang-orang Yahudi: “Apakah kamu sekalian mengetahui bahawa Israel adalah Ya’qub?” Mereka menjawab: “Allahumma, ya”. Maka Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Ya Allah saksikanlah!” (Hadis ini diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud, Ath-Thayalisi dalam Musnad-nya 1/356, Ibnu Sa’ad dalam Thabaqah Kubra 1/175 dan Ahmad dalam Munad-nya 1/273 dan 278 dengan sanad yang hasan).

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

وَاذْكُرْ عِبَادَنَا إبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ أُولِي الأيْدِي وَالأبْصَارِ. إِنَّا أَخْلَصْنَاهُمْ بِخَالِصَةٍ ذِكْرَى الدَّارِ. وَإِنَّهُمْ عِنْدَنَا لَمِنَ الْمُصْطَفَيْنَ الأخْيَارِ.

"Dan ingatlah hamba-hamba Kami: Ibrahim, Ishaq dan Ya’qub yang mempunyai perbuatan-perbuatan yang besar dan ilmu-ilmu yang tinggi. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menyucikan mereka dengan (menganugerahkan kepada mereka) akhlak yang tinggi iaitu selalu mengingatkan (manusia) kepada negeri akhirat. Dan sesungguhnya mereka pada sisi Kami benar-benar termasuk orang-orang pilihan yang paling baik” [Shod : 45-47]

Inilah kedudukan rasul yang mulia ini dalam Islam, bagaimana boleh diletakkan pada orang-orang Yahudi, dan bagaimana boleh mereka diletakkan padanya?!

Banyak kaum muslimin yang membawa nama rasul ini ketika mencela negeri Yahudi ini dengan mengatakan: Israel telah melakukan ini, Israel telah melakukan itu, Israel akan melakukan ini dan itu!

Hal ini menurut pandanganku (Syeikh Rabi’) adalah perkara yang mungkar, sekadar wujudnya saja (sepatutnya) tidak boleh ada pada kaum muslimin, apalagi menjadikan fenomena ini yang tersebar di kalangan mereka tanpa ada seorang pun yang mengingkarinya!

Dari sini kami lontarkan sebuah pertanyaan dan sekaligus jawabannya, maka kami katakan: Bolehkah menamakan negeri Yahudi yang kafir dan tercela ini dengan nama “Israel” atau “negeri Israel” kemudian diarahkan celaan dan cercaan kepada negeri ini atas nama “Israel”?

Yang haq (benar), bahawasanya hal ini tidak diperbolehkan!

Orang-orang Yahudi telah banyak melakukan makar-makar (tipu muslihat) yang besar di mana mereka menjadikan hak mereka sebagai hak yang syar’i di dalam menegakkan sebuah negeri di tengah-tengah negeri kaum muslimin atas nama warisan dari Ibrahim dan Israel!

Mereka telah membuat makar yang besar dengan menamakan negeri Zionis mereka dengan nama negeri Israel!

Tipu daya mereka ini telah merasuk ke dalam tubuh kaum muslimin –saya tidak katakan pada orang-orang awam sahaja, bahkan pada kebanyakan dari kalangan yang terpelajar-, jadilah kaum muslimin menyebut-nyebut negeri Israel bahkan nama Israel di dalam berita-berita mereka, di dalam buku-buku mereka, di dalam majalah-majalah mereka, dan di dalam pembicaraan-pembicaraan mereka, sama saja dalam konteks berita biasa atau dalam konteks mencerca, mencela dan bahkan melaknat. Semua ini terjadi di tengah-tengah kaum muslimin dan yang sangat sayang sekali, tidak pernah kami dengar seorang pun mengingkarinya!

Allah telah banyak mencela orang-orang Yahudi di dalam Al-Qur’an dan melaknat mereka serta mengkhabarkan kepada kita tentang kemurkaan-Nya kepada mereka, tetapi semua ini dengan nama orang-orang Yahudi (sebagaimana Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman : “Orang-orang Yahudi berkata : “Tangan Allah terbelengu”, Sebenarnya tangan merekalah yang dibelenggu dan merekalah yang dilaknat disebabkan apa yang telah mereka katakan itu…” - Al-Ma’idah: 64) Dan dengan nama-nama orang kafir dari bani Israel (sebagaimana Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman : Telah dilaknat orang-orang dari Bani Israel dengan lisan Daud dan Isa putra Maryam. Yang demikian itu, disebabkan mereka derhaka dan selalu melampaui batas” - Al-Ma’dah : 78), bukan dengan nama Israel seorang nabi yang mulia putra seorang nabi yang mulia Ishaq putra seorang nabi yang mulia Khalilullah Ibrahim ‘Alaimush-shalatu wa salam!

Orang-orang Yahudi ini tidaklah memiliki ikatan agama dengan Nabiyullah Israel (Ya’qub “Alaihish-sholatu wa salam) dan tidak juga dengan Ibrahim Khalilullah Alaihish- shalatu wa salam!

Orang-orang Yahudi ini tidaklah memiliki hak waris keagamaan dari Ya’qub dan Ibrahim. Sesungguhnya yang mewarisi agama keduanya adalah orang-orang yang beriman, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

إِنَّ أَوْلَى النَّاسِ بِإِبْرَاهِيمَ لَلَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ وَهَذَا النَّبِيُّ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَاللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

"Sesungguhnya orang yang dekat kepada Ibrahim ialah orang-orang yang mengikutinya dan nabi ini (Muhammad), beserta orang-orang yang beriman (kepada Muhammad), dan Allah adalah pelindung semua orang-orang yang beriman” [Ali-Imran : 68]

Allah berfirman dalam KitabNya mengkhabarkan bahawa Ibrahim Alaihish-sholatu wa salam berlepas diri dari orang-orang Yahudi, Nasrani, dan orang-orang musyrik:

مَا كَانَ إِبْرَاهِيمُ يَهُودِيًّا وَلا نَصْرَانِيًّا وَلَكِنْ كَانَ حَنِيفًا مُسْلِمًا وَمَا كَانَ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ

"Ibrahim bukan seorang Yahudi dan bukan (pula) seorang Nasrani, akan tetapi dia adalah seorang yang lurus (hanif) lagi (muslim) berserah diri (kepada Allah) dan sekali-kali bukanlah dia termasuk golongan orang-orang musyrik” [Ali-Imron : 67]

Kaum muslimin tidaklah mengingkari bahawa orang-orang Yahudi berasal dari keturunan Ibrahim dan Israel, tetapi kaum muslimin memastikan bahawa orang- orang Yahudi adalah musuh-musuh Allah dan musuh-musuh para rasul diantara para rasulNya iaitu Muhammad, Ibrahim dan Israel. Kaum muslimin meyakini dengan pasti bahawa tidak ada saling mewarisi antara pada nabi dengan musuh-musuh mereka dari kalangan orang-orang kafir, sama sahaja diantara orang-orang kafir ini, orang-orang Yahudi, orang- orang Nasrani, atau dari orang-orang musyrik Arab dan yang lainnya, dan bahawasanya orang-orang yang paling dekat kepada Ibrahim dan seluruh para nabi adalah kaum muslimin yang mereka ini beriman kepada para nabi, mencintai para nabi, memuliakan para nabi, dan beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan oleh Allah kepada mereka dari kitab-kitab suci dan suhuf; kaum muslimin menjadikan keimanan kepada semua ini termasuk pokok-pokok (dasar-dasar) agama mereka, maka kaum muslimin-lah pewaris para nabi dan orang-orang yang paling dekat kepada para nabi!

Bumi Allah sesungguhnya adalah milik hamba-hamba-Nya yang beriman kepada-Nya, dan kepada para rasul yang mulia. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِنْ بَعْدِ الذِّكْرِ أَنَّ الأرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ. إِنَّ فِي هَذَا لَبَلاغًا لِقَوْمٍ عَابِدِينَ. وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلا رَحْمَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ.

"Dan sungguh telah kami tulis di dalam Zabur sesudah (Kami tulis dalam) Lauh Mahfuzh, bahawasanya bumi ini dipusakai oleh hamba-hamba-Ku yang soleh. Sesungguhnya (apa yang disebutkan) dalam (surah) ini, benar-benar menjadi peringatan bagi kaum yang menyembah (Allah) Dan tiadalah Kami mengutus kamu, melainkan untuk (menjadi) rahmat bagi semesta alam” [Al-Anbiya : 105-107]

Maka musuh-musuh para nabi –terutama orang-orang Yahudi- tidaklah memiliki warisan bumi di dunia ini dan di akhirat mereka akan mendapat azab neraka yang abadi!

Sungguh sangat menghairankan keadaan kebanyakan kaum muslimin yang menyerahkan kepada orang-orang Yahudi dengan tuduhan bahawa mereka adalah pewaris bumi Palestin, dan bahawasanya orang-orang Yahudi mencari Haikal Sulaiman Alaihish-sholatu wa salam (padahal) Sulaiman Alaihish-sholatu wa salam ini dikafirkan oleh orang-orang Yahudi dan dituduh dengan tuduhan-tuduhan keji. Orang-orang Yahudi ini adalah musuh yang paling sengit bagi Sulaiman Alaihish-sholatu wa salam yang termasuk nabi di antara para nabi Bani Israel. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

أَفَكُلَّمَا جَاءَكُمْ رَسُولٌ بِمَا لا تَهْوَى أَنْفُسُكُمُ اسْتَكْبَرْتُمْ فَفَرِيقًا كَذَّبْتُمْ وَفَرِيقًا تَقْتُلُونَ

“Apakah setiap datang kepadamu seorang rasul membawa sesuatu (pelajaran) yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginanmu lalu kamu angkuh; maka beberapa orang (di antara mereka) kamu dustakan dan beberapa orang (yang lain) kamu bunuh?” [Al- Baqarah: 87]

Lalu bagaimana kaum muslimin –paling kurang pun dengan sikap mereka- membenarkan tuduhan-tuduhan yang batil ini?! Dan mereka namakan orang-orang Yahudi dengan “Israel” dan “negeri Israel”!

Dan sesungguhnya mereka –demi Allah- di hari mereka beriman dengan sebenarnya kepada Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, para rasul, dan risalah-risalah mereka, maka mereka adalah para wali Allah, wali para nabi dan rasul-Nya!

Maka hendaklah kaum muslimin mempersiapkan diri mereka dari segi aqidah dan manhaj, dengan mengikuti kitab Rabb mereka (Al-Qur’an) dan sunnah nabi mereka (Al-Hadis) serta jalan yang ditempuh oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan para sahabat Radhiallahu ‘anhum dan jalan yang ditempuh para pengikut mereka dalam kebaikan dari para tabi’in yang terbaik dan para imam (yang membawa) petunjuk dan agama; kerana sesungguhnya inilah wasilah (sarana) paling agung untuk kemenangan kaum muslimin atas musuh-musuh mereka, dan wasilah paling agung bagi keluhuran nilai kaum muslimin, kebahagiaan mereka dan kemuliaan di dunia dan akhirat. [*]

[*] Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : “Jika kalian telah berjual beli dengan cara inah (yakni jual beli dengan cara Riba), disibukkan oleh ternak dan tanaman, dan kalian tinggalkan jihad di jalan Allah, maka Allah akan menimpakan kehinaan kepada kalian, Allah tidak akan mencabut kehinaan itu dari kalian, sampai kalian kembali kepada agama kalian.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud dalam Sunan-nya 3462, Baihaqi dalam Sunan Kubra 5/316, dan Thabrani dalam Musnad Syamiyyin hal. 464 dan disahikan oleh Syaikh Al-Albani dalam Silsilah Shohihah : 11)

Hendaknya mereka bersihkan tangan-tangan mereka dari hawa nafsu, bid’ah-bid’ah dan taksub (fanatik) terhadap kebatilan dan pemilikya. Kemudian, hendaknya mereka berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk mempersiapkan diri secara material (kebendaan) dari berbagai macam persenjataan dan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengannya serta berwaspada (berjaga-jaga) dan latihan militer, sebagaimana diperintahkan oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman:

وَأَعِدُّوا لَهُمْ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُمْ مِنْ قُوَّةٍ وَمِنْ رِبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ

"Dan persiapkanlah untuk menghadapi mereka kekuatan apa saja yang kalian sanggupi dan dari kuda-kuda yang ditambat untuk berperang (yang dengan persiapan itu) kalian menggentarkan musuh Allah dan musuh kalian” [Al-Anfal : 60]

Kekuatan di dalam nash di atas meliputi setiap kekuatan yang menggentarkan musuh dari berbagai macam persenjataan.

Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa salla bersabda:

"Ketahuilah sesungguhnya kekuatan itu adalah pelemparan, ketahuilah sesungguhnya kekuatan itu adalah pelemparan, ketahuilah sesungguhnya kekuatan itu adalah pelemparan” [Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud dalam Sunan-nya 3/13, Tirmizi dalam Jami-nya 5/270, dan Ibnu Majah dalam Sunan-nya 2/940 dan disahihkan oleh Syaikh Al-Albani dalam Shahihul Jami : 2633]

Dan “pelemparan” di sini meliputi semua senjata yang dilempar, semuanya ini wajib diusahakan dengan industri, atau jual beli, atau dengna cara yang lainnya.

Sekali lagi … aku sangat hairan, peletakan nama nabi yang mulia ini atas sebuah negeri yang terkutuk (Yahudi) dan umat yang dimurkai dan umat yang membuat kedustaan, dikatakan tentang mereka dan tentang berita mereka dan tentang celaan kepada mereka “Israel” dan “negeri Israel”, seakan-akan bahasa Arab yang luas telah sempit bagi mereka sehingga tidak dijumpai dalam bahasa Arab kecuali dengan nama ini!

Kemudian apakah mereka merenungi perkara ini di dalam diri-diri mereka. Apakah perkara ini membuat keredhaan Allah atau rasul-Nya?

Apakah perkara ini membuat keredhaan Nabiyullah Israel (Ya’qub) atau membuat dia tidak suka seandainya dia hidup?

Tidaklah mereka mengetahui bahawasanya cercaan dan celaan yang mereka arahkan kepada orang-orang Yahudi atas nama Israel akan berpaling menuju kepadanya (sendiri) dalam keadaan mereka tidak sedari; dari Abu Hurairah bahawasanya Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

"Tidakkah kamu hairan bagaimana Allah memalingkan aku dari cacian orang-orang Quraisy dan laknat mereka, mereka mencaci seorang yang tercela dalam keadaan aku adalah Muhammad (yang terpuji)” [Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad dalam Musnad-nya 2/244, Bukhari dalam shahih-nya : 3533, dan Nasa’i dalam Sunan-nya 6/159, dan diriwayatkan juga oleh Humaidi dalam Musnad-nya 2/481 dan Baihaqi dalam Syu’abul Iman 2/142]

Maka bagaimana kamu sekalian palingkan celaan tersebut, laknat kamu dan cercaan kamu terhadap musuh-musuh Allah (sedangkan kamu arahkan) kepada sebuah nama nabi yang mulia dari para anbiya’ dan para rasul manusia-manusia pilihan Allah?!

Jika ada seorang yang berkata: “Penamaan seperti ini ada di dalam kitab Taurot!” Maka kami katakan: “Bukanlah hal yang jauh, bahawa ini termasuk tahrif-tahrif (pengubahan-pengubahan) ahli kitab, sebagaimana Allah mempersaksikan mereka bahawasanya mereka mengubah kitab yang ada di tangan-tangan mereka dan kemudian mengatakan bahawa ini dari Allah [*], bahkan di dalam kitab Taurat yang telah digubah oleh mereka, terdapat tuduhan terhadap para nabi dengan kekufuran dan hal-hal yang keji, maka bagaimana mungkin berhujah dengan apa yang tertulis di dalam kitab mereka ini, padahal kitab mereka keadaannya seperti itu (yakni mereka mengubah/selewengkan)?!

[*] Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala berfirman: “Maka kecelakaan yang besarlah bagi orang-orang yang menulis Al-Kitab dengan tangan mereka sendiri, lalu dikatakannya; “Ini dari Allah” (dengan maksud) untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang sedikit dengan perbuatan itu. Maka kecelakaan yang besarlah bagi mereka, akibat apa yang ditulis oleh tangan mereka sendiri, dan kecelakaan yang besarlah bagi mereka, akibat apa yang mereka kerjakan” (Al-Baqarah: 79)

Akhirnya kita berdo’a kepada Allah agar memberi taufiq kepada kaum muslimin semuanya kepada hal yang dicintai dan diredhai-Nya dari perkataan dan perbuatan. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengabulkan do’a.

[Ain Salsabil Min Ma’ini Imamil Jarhi Wa Ta’dil oleh]

Dinukil serta disunting dari CHM Book bertajuk: “Yahudi Dan Konflik Palestina” yang dikumpul oleh Abu Harun As-Salafy.

If have a business in the financial industry, then you probably spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not you are complying with all the heavy government regulations. Financial compliance software is a great tool you can use to keep your costs down, increase your profits, and more effectively compete in this competitive marketplace. Let's take a look at how this software can help you.

Finance has always been one of the most heavily regulated industries, but lately the government is becoming even more strict. This might not be a problem if the rules were fairly straightforward, but unfortunately they continue to grow even more complex. The government itself has created enormous bureaucracies just so that they can keep up with all the rules. This in turn forces business owners to create large unproductive bureaucracies of their own just to make sure that they are in compliance with all these laws. Businesses must employ a large number of workers to manually keep track of every transaction to make sure that they comply with all the government's regulations.

These workers that you hire eat up valuable resources from your company. It means that you can hire fewer salespeople. It means that you can hire fewer customer service agents. It means that you must charge a higher price to your customers. It means lower profits for your business - so you are unable to expand your operations, create new jobs, or enter new markets.

It's amazing that a simple piece of software can negate many of these problems. Rather than dozens of full-time workers manually reviewing every transaction, a good piece of software can do this automatically in the background. You will probably only need a Chief Compliance Officer to make sure the software continues to run smoothly.

Compliance software will not only make your business more efficient and profitable - it will vastly reduce the number of errors. Human error is a common problem that is almost impossible to eliminate. The more complex the rules, and the greater the number of transactions to manually review - the larger the number of errors inevitably becomes. This can cause major problems when regulatory bodies request information from your business. By turning over this work to a computer, you can be sure that everything is processed in a much more uniform way. Although completely eliminating errors is impossible, they can certainly be significantly reduced the more you leave it to a precise machine.

There are always many things you can do to improve the efficiency and profitability of your business, but few can have as direct and immediate an impact as financial compliance software. A good compliance product will quickly make your business better and more manageable.

Small Businesses - Are You On Top Of Your Finances & Accounts?

We understand that, for small businesses, spending your money wisely is always top of the priority list - and sometimes it can seem more cost-effective to carry out business-related tasks yourself rather than pay for an external expert. And in the case of looking after the business finances - well, it's pretty simple to keep a track on what's owing and what's due in, right? Wrong.

If that sounds typical of your business, then it's time to think again - spending a little of your business income on a book-keeper or accountant will actually save your business money - and far more than you think. Here's why every small business should make the smart choice and look to the experts when it comes to managing money matters and accounting software.

When it comes to the taxman, there'll be no nasty surprises

Do you know how much tax you'll be liable for at the end of the tax year? - and will you have reserved sufficient funds to cover your tax bill? Whether you're a sole trader, partnership or limited company, your tax obligations and tax allowances can be complex. With an accountant on board, they'll be able to advise you of the latest tax laws and how to operate your business more tax-efficiently - often saving you significant amounts off that year end bill. Not only that - with financial tax guidance and use of accruals on your accounting software, you can put enough by each month to make sure your business doesn't take a cashflow hit come year end.

Talking of cashflow - be proactive, not reactive

With a book-keeper at hand managing your accounts with accounting software, you'll know at any given moment exactly how much you owe and how much is due to you - meaning you can plan your cashflow more effectively. Many book-keepers will also carry out invoicing and credit control duties for you, meaning that you can concentrate upon running your business whilst an expert helps you reduce your debtor days. When you're wearing several hats it's all too easy to put debt-collecting to the back of the queue, so with your credit controller actively managing your cashflow, your bank balance will look healthier - and your bank manager happier.

How's your business doing? Can you name your profit margin?

A good book-keeper or accountant isn't just invaluable in managing your receipts and keeping your accounting software up to date - they'll be able to provide you with accurate advice on how your business is really performing and how to help improve that bottom line. Without professional financial guidance, it's all too easy for business efficiency to slip and overheads to creep up - so it's a wise move to make sure you have a trusted professional to keep a close eye on your business performance and who can give practical, proven advice on how to keep your business running at maximum performance.

And finally.... it's a matter of horses for courses

If you're a business owner who currently manages your own accounts, unless you're an accountant yourself then you'll be all too familiar with this scenario. Sitting in the office until late at night, ploughing through spreadsheets or unfamiliar accounting software, checking and re-checking those figures which you're still not sure are right.... we're sure you've been there. If you counted the actual cost of the time you've laboriously spent trying to figure out your accounts, you'd probably be in for a nasty surprise - and the small monthly cost of hiring a book-keeper starts to show itself as a cost-saving from the off. Why spend many hours of your valuable time stressing over your accounts when a professional could have it done in a fraction of the time?

When you look at the evidence, isn't it time you reached for phone and called that book-keeper or accountant who you once thought might be a waste of money? It just might be the smartest business decision you make all year.

If you are considering hiring a bookkeeper or accountant but fear that you will lose control of your accounts and where your business stands then fear not, online accounting software will enable you to log on at anytime and from any location and keep an eye on who owes your business money, what money you have in the bank and print of financial reports as and when you need to. This will provide you with a win win situation.

Do you have, or are you planning to start, an ecommerce website company? Then you absolutely must have a method of accepting payment online. Since you most likely will never even see your customers, and they won't be able to hand you their credit card in person, how are you going to process their payment?

The first thing you need is a merchant bank account in which to deposit the money you receive for payment. The procedure for opening an ecommerce merchant account is quite lengthy and complicated, but that is the subject of another article.

The bank itself will not handle the process of verifying that the customer's card is acceptable. That task is done by a credit card processing service. This service acts as a kind of middle-man. The card-issuing bank is contacted for authorization, and to debit the customer's account. Then the money for the transaction is transferred to your ecommerce merchant account.

Before any of this can happen, however, your website must initiate the entire process by having your customer fill out forms. As you know, there are two different kinds of forms that must be completed before an order can be processed.

1. The shopping cart form collects information about the purchases made by the customer, and need not be on a secure web page.

2. The checkout page, however, collects sensitive information about the customer's credit card, and needs to be protected from being viewed by anyone but the customer and the credit card processing service.

Here is where you must make an important decision. You can have the checkout page on your own website, or you can use a credit card processing service that provides you with a page on their website for the customer to use for a checkout page. There are numerous pros and cons about which method to use, but again that is the subject of a different article.

There is a way to bypass the hassle of having to apply for an ecommerce merchant account and credit card processing service. There are third-party credit card processors, such as PayPal, that take care of both functions. Of necessity, their fees are somewhat higher. But such services may be necessary if you have difficulty obtaining a merchant bank account.

The field uses accounting principles to solve crimes or to spot risky financial practices. Specialists in this field are often work for firms that are called in when an employer suspects problems in their firm but cannot prove it. Ordinary businesses may have such accountants on their payroll to perform regular audits. If this is done, the records are usually submitted to regular checks to make sure there are no problems arising within the company.

The forensics techniques allow a business to figure out if an employee has committed a crime, if fraud has been committed, or if a company handed out illegal kickbacks. Unlike many other career fields, which have seen a decrease in the demand for people to fill the positions, the demand for investigative accountants have grown.

A degree in accounting is necessary to pursue this as a career. Many universities offer bachelors and master programs that allow a person to pursue a career in this field. Of course, if he cannot find a job with the government or similar agency, a student still learn a valuable set of skills that he can take to other areas. Although the field may not be exciting, accountants remain in demand even during tough economic times.

Investigative accountants must also have a basic understanding of the laws involved in their field. They do not need to go into as much detail as an attorney would, but a basic understanding of financial laws is necessary for an accountant to determine if the target of an investigation has broken any applicable laws.

If you decide to pursue this career field, you must pay attention to detail. It also helps to have a love of numbers. Being good at business math is also a must. Keep in mind the colleges might make you take courses in higher level mathematics, such as calculus and matrix algebra that you may never use once you find a job in your chosen field.

The investigative accountant may never receive the glory that reporters, police officers or private detectives do. It is unlikely that their will ever be Law and Order Investigative Accounting Unit. That does not mean that the career field cannot offer rich rewards for the right individual.

In the present days bookkeeping is vital part for each and every business industry for the main reason that if you want to keep all the financial transaction records appropriate for your business so bookkeeping accounting is better option to keep all the financial records appropriate for your business financial transactions includes sales, purchase, income and payment by an individual or organization.

Nowadays computerized bookkeeping systems easily simplify the bookkeeping procedures. The three major features why bookkeeping software is better than human accountant are correctness, automation and flexibility. Computerized bookkeeping is not only superior but also it provides the quick and correct processing of financial transactions. In today's changing globalization world and with superior technology, a business can do constant re-validation so the business owners have choices when it comes to managing time and business.

We can see the benefits of bookkeeping accounting software neat and clean for the reason that it shows the ideal situation of our business in the market.

Using bookkeeping software has other benefits also:

• It generates exact picture as well as ideal data of different accounts than the manual system.
• Bookkeeping accounting software will give an ideal suggestion about the fixed assets and liabilities which will assist to arrange the financial statement and tax returns at the end of financial year.

At present, in the marketplace lots of bookkeeping accounting software is existing in several special formats from simple spreadsheets to more complex data based bookkeeping accounting software, they comprises but not limited to IRIS, LaCerte, MYOB, Peachtree, QuickBooks, Quicken, Sage Line 50. Occasionally, for a business, the bookkeeping software is a selection of simple system having limited accounting information.

To make bookkeeping software more efficient, each and every business should prepare regular financial transactions records to increase and develop financial control, take financial decision and achieve the preferred level in the market.

In judging the success of a business it is important to know the extent to which the owners' equity has increased or decreased during a given period of time, and the specific factors responsible for the change.

An accounting report called the income statement provides this information. In order to understand how it is prepared, we must first examine the typical transactions of Comfortable Bedding Company.

On January 7, the company sold for $800 cash some comforter sets which had cost $500, owner's equity increased by $300.

An alternative view of this transaction is that it is composed of two events:

(1)the $800 sale, which brings in $800 of cash; and

(2)the delivery of merchandise, which had cost$500.

The effects of these two parts of the transaction - the $800 sale, and the delivery of goods costing $500 upon the owner's equity can be considered separately.

And, taken by itself, the fact that merchandise costing $500 is no longer owned by the business, results in a decrease of $500 in the owner's equity.

Taken by itself, the increase in owner's equity is called arevenue. For example, when Comfortable Bedding Company sold $800 of merchandise the transaction resulted in $800 of revenue.

And taken by itself, the associated decrease in owner's equity is called an expense. Thus when Comfortable Bedding Company has sold merchandise for$800 that had cost $500, the effects of the transaction on owner's equity can be separated into two parts: (1) a revenue of $800; and (2) an expense of $500.

Comfortable Bedding Company sells a dozen of down comforter sets for $1,000 that had cost it $700. In recording this transaction the proper accounting procedure would be to record a revenue of $1,000 and an expense of $700.

There are many categories of expenses which are also considered in computing for the net income aside from the cost of the product. Salaries and wages expense, interest expense, rental expense, and maintenance expense are a few.

We now focus our attention on an expense on an item calledcost of goods sold. As the name suggests, it refers to the cost of the merchandise sold to customers.

Another term for this item is cost of sales; that is, the phrasescost of goods sold and cost of sales are both acceptable designations for the expense item that shows the cost of the merchandise that is furnished customers.

Consider once again the transactions of Comfortable Bedding Company, and let us assume for simplicity, that the only items of revenue were the sales of merchandise and the only expenses were the cost of goods sold. The report of revenues and expenses of Comfortable Bedding Company would be: Total revenues - $1,000; total expenses - $1,200; and a net income of $800.

If total revenues exceed total expenses for a given period, the difference is termed the net income. If expenses exceed revenues, the difference is the net loss.

The term profit is synonymous with the term net income. That is, it is defined as the difference between revenues and expenses.

A statement of revenues and expenses for a given period is called an income statement.

A single balance sheet does not enable one to determine the net changes in owners' equity over a period of time.

The most convenient method for determining the net changes in owners' equity that have taken place during a given period of time and the factors responsible for these changes is to consult the income statement.

Evidently, the income statement reports changes over a period of time, whereas the balance sheet reports status as of a moment of time.

Revenue and expenses are defined as the increases and decreases in owners' equity, an item in the balance sheet.

Every year you submit your year end books and records to the accountant. From those records the accountant will prepare the financial accounts for the business and any related tax returns. These may be sent out to you in the post for signing or you may have a year end meeting with the accountant. Then the whole process starts again. Rather than just fast forwarding to the next year, you may want to 'take stock' and cover a few important issues with the accountant, which can benefit you and your business.

Firstly, you might want to ask your accountant whether you are claiming for all the expenses you can possibly claim. This question may trigger a conversation about what other expenses you actually incur, which you thought you could not claim against tax, but in fact the accountant says are allowable. Also discussing this issue will allow you to consider your future planned expenditure and whether it is allowable or not. Indeed, if some of your future planned expenditure is not allowable you may decide that it may not be worthwhile incurring from a profit standpoint.

Secondly, you may want to ask your accountant if there are any improvements you can make to your bookkeeping and records. This input will allow you to make your records better for decision making purposes and give you more control over all the financial aspects of your business. You might also find this topic may be a good platform for you to possibly get a slight fee reduction from your accountant. After all, if your records are better, you could argue that the year end services, which the accountant provides, will be easier to complete.

At the year end, it may be a good opportunity to discuss your future plans for the business. For example, you may want to discuss an exit strategy for the business in terms of selling it or passing the ownership of it to other family members.

Alternatively, you may want to discuss expansion plans for the business. Your accountant will be able to look at any projections you have prepared and give you their opinion, as well as looking at any finance options available to you.

Lastly, when you have your year end chat with your accountant, it would be a good idea to go through any other taxes outside the normal business taxes which may affect you. This may involve looking at your inheritance tax situation or any capital gains tax charges you may be facing. These taxes can sometimes be avoided with a bit of sound upfront planning.

The moral of the story is that you should use your accountant for more than just your year end business accounts and tax returns. Their advice can help you improve your bookkeeping, increase your business expense claims, help you with your business planning and help you to reduce your non- business taxes, amongst many other things.

Almost any leading company today want to get their office procedures all automated for so many advantages they make out of it. Entrepreneur's resource planning, electronic data processing are the fields which are in great activity form nearly 2 decades now. The growth in this arena of trade is just magnanimous and has scaled leaps and bounds covering every part of the globe. There are so many automated products available in this wide category for facilitating the staff of the company according to their requirements. One such product is the ledger accounting software which has gained ultimate recognitions even in the mediocre firms in the recent day mainly due to the edge in the applied technology.

This enables them a simple means to do cumbersome accounting tasks as well as the maintenance of great grand father ledgers in the records room. The conventional means of employing so much effort and time in referring to data is absolutely eliminated by means of ledger accounting software. Here you are provided with results at a click of a button. That too in a variety of formats as and how you want it. Value added services provided by certain category of ledger accounting software's do have advanced tools to provide you with adequate related information too. With these special features you can study and analyze the prevailing data and information as well as refer to the past records in almost no time when compared to the conventional methods. With the reports generated in various formats by the ledger accounting software you can extrapolate and plan effectively for future with collective data from each and every department from procurement to customer support. The need to rely on so many divisional heads due this regard as well as the incorrectness of the gathered information when they do not tally to a certain extent by marginal variations is all complicated processes to deal with. These cumbersome tasks are completely eliminated and as a result efficient handling time and manpower management is attained with less difficulty. The cost associated with the installation of a ledger accounting software for your office is very reasonable enough when compared to the amount of utilities you benefit upon installing it.

The important aspects to be looked in at your ledger accounting software before you purchase are all discussed here in detail for your beneficial reference.

Check for classification fields attached with every master charts without fail. This is mandatory enough for using the whole system effectively which you will come to know when you start using the ledger accounting software. Any data or information pertaining to the particular classification could be isolated.

When it comes to the area of inventory maintenance division you need to ensure that there is an option available for you enabling addition of more than one location. Also check in keenly for the reports format and mainly for the availability of item value report.

Delivery challahs and Bills should be generated showing their respective currencies of handling.

Additional devices supplemented along with the original infrastructure so as to increase the variety of reports generated should be verified. Like all the aforementioned when you are keen on checking the features of the ledger accounting software, you should also bear in mind that you should check for the authenticity of the provider. This is a very vital issue to be borne in mind while purchasing a new one. There are thousands of providers available in the internet and not everyone is reliable in this for all your company secrets are going to be handled with the software what they are providing. So you should take extreme care to ensure safety due this regard.

Generally accounting refers to the occupation of auditing and maintaining records, financial report preparation for a business deal. At present for any business, accounting has its own necessity which cannot be over shadowed. For any professional business to be monitored smoothly, accounting is a must now days. The admire of accounting in several business sectors like retail, pharmaceutical, insurance and banking is quite evident because it not only enhances efficiency but also saves important resources of the concerned business.

In today's modern era accounting is a basic necessity for any business to succeed. The need of accounting is evident from the fact that it ensures all financial decisions to be sound and accurate. The success rate of your small business is directly proportional to the accuracy in its financial accounting. Small scale business owners can also take advantage of outsourced accounting company for getting accounting services and to ensure a healthy business.

There are a number of advantages of Accounting such as:

  • It enables sound financial decisions.
  • An agent's performance can be monitored easily.
  • It grants access to the productivity and solvency of a business.
  • It provides aid in preparation of annual transaction report preparation, which enables external companies to gain information about the company.
  • It assists in investment decision making to various banks, suppliers and stockholders.

It is more advantageous to our business to hire a professional Accounting Expert Pune India from any of the many outsourcing firm providing Accounting Services in Pune India. This is so because it allows you and your fellow members to concentrate more on essential issues, and all your accounting tasks will be done by professionals enable a boom to your business.

So if, for any business personal the need of the hour is to cut cost on hiring, other operations, and training, one of the easiest ways is to hire an accounting company which provides online accounting services. Hiring these companies will enable you to focus more on your business and make more profit in return. Hiring these accounting companies will also give you extra time to refine your business product and make it superior to the other ones to increase its market value. The time saved via no load of accounting can be utilized for customer service and better customer satisfaction,so having all these advantages will definitely aid to your company's growth and also surely to its annual income.

Almost any leading company today want to get their office procedures all automated for so many advantages they make out of it. Entrepreneur's resource planning, electronic data processing are the fields which are in great activity form nearly 2 decades now. The growth in this arena of trade is just magnanimous and has scaled leaps and bounds covering every part of the globe. There are so many automated products available in this wide category for facilitating the staff of the company according to their requirements. One such product is the ledger accounting software which has gained ultimate recognitions even in the mediocre firms in the recent day mainly due to the edge in the applied technology.

This enables them a simple means to do cumbersome accounting tasks as well as the maintenance of great grand father ledgers in the records room. The conventional means of employing so much effort and time in referring to data is absolutely eliminated by means of ledger accounting software. Here you are provided with results at a click of a button. That too in a variety of formats as and how you want it. Value added services provided by certain category of ledger accounting software's do have advanced tools to provide you with adequate related information too. With these special features you can study and analyze the prevailing data and information as well as refer to the past records in almost no time when compared to the conventional methods. With the reports generated in various formats by the ledger accounting software you can extrapolate and plan effectively for future with collective data from each and every department from procurement to customer support. The need to rely on so many divisional heads due this regard as well as the incorrectness of the gathered information when they do not tally to a certain extent by marginal variations is all complicated processes to deal with. These cumbersome tasks are completely eliminated and as a result efficient handling time and manpower management is attained with less difficulty. The cost associated with the installation of a ledger accounting software for your office is very reasonable enough when compared to the amount of utilities you benefit upon installing it.

The important aspects to be looked in at your ledger accounting software before you purchase are all discussed here in detail for your beneficial reference.

Check for classification fields attached with every master charts without fail. This is mandatory enough for using the whole system effectively which you will come to know when you start using the ledger accounting software. Any data or information pertaining to the particular classification could be isolated.

When it comes to the area of inventory maintenance division you need to ensure that there is an option available for you enabling addition of more than one location. Also check in keenly for the reports format and mainly for the availability of item value report.

Delivery challahs and Bills should be generated showing their respective currencies of handling.

Additional devices supplemented along with the original infrastructure so as to increase the variety of reports generated should be verified. Like all the aforementioned when you are keen on checking the features of the ledger accounting software, you should also bear in mind that you should check for the authenticity of the provider. This is a very vital issue to be borne in mind while purchasing a new one. There are thousands of providers available in the internet and not everyone is reliable in this for all your company secrets are going to be handled with the software what they are providing. So you should take extreme care to ensure safety due this regard.

David Kilde is working with software development, and have specialised in end user benefits.
Bookkeeping and accounting software products is among those products David test.
Read more here

With the corporate and business world changing and expanding every day, small businesses have become a dominant part of the business scene. While many small businesses are thriving, there are some aspects that need to be kept in mind to ensure the proper working of the small business. One important tool is the budgeting and forecasting software.

Here are some reasons why it is important to the small business:

1. Transparency of Business Finances:

Budgeting software means that the relevant individuals in the small business have a complete knowledge of the finances that are used and present in their company. Also, any and every information that might be required on the financial front will be available immediately - which increases the transparency of the working of the company. This results in increased faith in the company.

2. Planned Usage of Finances:

With the right software, the business has a better understanding of their finances and the expenses that they might have to incur in the short term as well as the long term. This results in some detailed and informed financial decisions on the part of the management and the decision makers in the company. Therefore one can carry out the planned usage of the finances of the company with the help of those informed decisions.

3. Optimum Usage of Finances:

In a small business, there is a very good chance that some finances are just forgotten and are not taken into consideration during times when they could be put to good use for the business, simply because they are out of sight and out of mind. With budgeting and forecasting software, one can keep track of all the finances that the business has, and therefore use it whenever it is the right time.

4. Retrospective of Financial Activity:

Along with a forecasting of the financial health of the business, this type of software will also provide a history of the money that has been spent by the small business for the financial year, as well as in the long term and the short term, whether for the budget history or the projection of future budgets. This will prepare a solid foundation for the people in charge, and will enable them to make better and informed decisions both for the present and the future.

These are just some of the advantages that a small business may experience by using budgeting and forecasting software. Most of the software that is available today is easy to use and has a low learning curve - almost anyone who knows how to use an operating system will be able to use the software within a few hours.

There are several small business B&F software that are available, and one should carry out the proper research before deciding to invest in a particular software, making sure that the software meets all the requirements of the business.

No business can afford to lose money, and this is even more true for the small business. It's important, therefore, to do everything possible to determine the exact software that will bring the most benefit to the small business, and achieve the best possible outcome in the use of budgeting and forecasting software.

Want to learn more about the importance of budgeting and forecasting software?

Visit my Budgeting and Forecasting Software blog to get more info on how using these tools can multiply your chances of success.

The current unemployment rate is still much higher than many would like. According to the U.S. Labor of Statistics, 8.2% of women are unemployed. The same report goes on to say approximately 9.2 million Americans are only employed part time, due to employers not being able to afford employees full time. These statistics have compelled people to become entrepreneurs to gain employment. The Credit Card Act of 2009 could give relief to these unemployed entrepreneurs, but only on their personal credit cards.

The Credit Card Act of 2009 was signed by President Obama last May. With some provisions already started this act will be in full swing Feb. 22, 2010.

What are the benefits of this act?

- Cardholders will be able to avoid interest rate increases on their existing card balances and have more time to pay their monthly bills.

- Before the bill passed, many card companies could change their due dates without notice, giving you less time to pay your bill. Now credit card companies will have to give you no less than 21 days to pay your bill, and will not be able to raise interest rates without notice.

According to the National Small Business Association as of 2008, credit cards were the most common source of financing for small business owners. The New York Times reported in September of 2009 that a study from Monmouth University said, "every $1,000 increase in credit card debt increases the probability a firm will close by 2.2 percent." And with this increase in debt, lead companies are now able to buy debt leads from these card companies and make a profit.

This new act will benefit many Americans, however, it does NOT cover business/corporate card holders. This is an important thing to keep in mind when starting your business. We could see credit card companies being harsher to business owners since they will be forced to ease up on customers with personal accounts.

Banks are a lot harsher these days when it comes to giving out loans. They are looking at personal debt as a factor for small business loans. Because of this, it is important to first look at your credit card debt before going into business. If you have acquired some debt, debt consolidation or credit card counseling may be options to consider.
These types of programs can streamline your personal debt and make it easier to get out of debt. This will help you get your finances in order which should help your chances of getting a loan for your business. If your business is already up and running, however, take a look at your current debt levels. If it is a significant amount, decide if you can manage the debt or if you need to take advantage of a debt management program.

For now we will just have to wait and see if credit card companies will be harsher towards their business/corporate card holders in the upcoming months. Until then, take a look at your personal credit cards and see if you can utilize the act to help you get a business loan to start your business.

Jessica Gombes is an expert writer on phone systems and is based in San Diego, California. She writes extensively for an online resource that provides expert advice on purchasing and outsourcing decisions for small business owners and entrepreneurs such as VoIP service at Resource Nation.

In any type of organizations, an accountant is necessary. You have to look at that accounting is basically the language in organization and getting adequate information about accountancy is vital for businessmen and women to know how their company is accomplishing. This is why accounting professionals are really significantly in demand these days. And, a whole lot of certified accountants have become really prosperous in their area and some have even started out their very own company.

The fantastic point about this career is that it will enable you to interact with all levels of company and you will also discover a good deal from it.

So, just what does it carry to become an accountant and adhere to this job?

Initial of all, you need to know about the eligibility in getting an accountant.

You will need to be a graduate in a 4 year bachelor's degree in accountancy or any associated field. Aside from this, an accountant need to be able to have good analytical and technical expertise in business systems. Excellent mathematical aptitude is also a ought to-have for accountants. And, since computers are now one of the most employed medium in computing, you must also have know-how and the operating skills of a computer.

Yet another requirement is that you will require a bachelor's degree with a minor in one more topic. This ought to be used from an accredited university or university in order for you to apply for Master's in accounting.

You can also pursue this career if you had your course in accounting more than distance finding out programs or by way of the web.

Also, you will require an accreditation or license of selected organization, such as becoming a CPA must have a license by the STA or the State Board of Accountancy.

Most companies also need that you must complete a quantity of semester hours as nicely as perform hours, which are regarded as for a 4- bachelor's degree. If you come to be a public accountant, you will be taken as a trainee. You will typically begin your career as a junior internal auditor or as cost accountant.

It is suggested that you ought to have a master's degree in company administration or an MBA since it is preferred by far more businesses who are searching for accountants as component of their staff

The good issue about pursuing accountancy as a career is that it presents a whole lot of career opportunities. For example, you can get a work as auditors or accountants in government offices or in private organizations even if you do not have any license.

In the course of the course of your job, you can even get promoted to a position, such as the chief financial officer position which presents a good deal more great possibilities for your career.

You can also perform in the legal office. You can perform as an auditor, a financial officer, a budget analyst, a management accountant, and even as a tax accountant. Most companies that are looking for tax accountants will favor accountants with legal background.

Forensic accounting is an additional promising career for accountants. Here, you will investigate crimes, this sort of as fraud in company's finances.

If you have a knack for teaching, you can teach a topic associated to accountancy in university. This is a excellent profession option and numerous accountants really feel that this job is really fulfilling.

Just recall that in this profession, you have to start out slow. If you are just beginning a profession as an accountant, attempt to start out as a trainee and function your way up to the job path that you want to carry.

Accounting or accountancy career is a extremely promising career that presents a great deal of great opportunities. You can be certain that you will discover the proper career that you want if you carry this sort of career.

Know more about accounting career and you might get what you need and what's best for you in the field of accounting! You will be then assisted well.

Kedua-duanya amat berbeza, kecuali kekeliruan sejarah yang menganggap mereka berdua sama orangnya.

Kekeliruan ini ditimbulkan kerana ciri perkasa dalam cara mereka berperang dan menakluki dunia, sehingga tidak dapat membezakan akhlak dan visi mereka berdua.

Bila kita menonton filem Alexander, jelas menunjukkan perbezaan akhlak mereka.

Alexander berkubang dengan nafsu bila mengahwini Roxana yang dalam satu adegan bertelanjang bulat. Jelas ini bukan tingkah laku Iskandar Zulkarnain.

Filem Alexander dicipta dari segi visi Kristian. Ini boleh dilihat dari sudut usianya. Alexander mencapai segala kejayaannya dalam usia 33 tahun atau 35 tahun, menyerupai pencapaian keagamaan oleh Nabi Isa yang wafat atau diangkat ke hadrat Allah dalam usia 33 tahun. Walaupun ini tidak disebut, itulah yang disampaikan secara halus.

Nama Zulkarnain, disebut dalam Surah al-Kahfi ayat 89-99, apabila Zulkarnain tiba di Armenia, penduduknya meminta pertolongan kerana selalu dianiaya oleh kaum yang dinamakan Ya’juj dan Ma’juj atau Gog-ma-Gog.

Zulkarnain mendirikan dinding campuran besi dengan tembaga sebagai sempadan atau halangan daripada kaum Ya’juj dan Ma’juj itu, tanpa mengambil upah sedikit pun. Zulkarnain juga menyaksikan matahari terbit iaitu untuk menghayati kebesaran Allah SWT dan matahari terbenam di barat.

Alexander tidak berakhlak seperti Zulkarnain. Alexander dengan tenteranya yang besar membawa malapetaka kepada negara yang diserangnya. Di Mesopotamia atau Iraq, Alexander meruntuhkan Babylon dan menghanguskan kota Persepolis yang hebat itu.

Walaupun Alexander membuka kota Alexanderia di Mesir, kebanyakan kota strategik, termasuk Kaherah dimusnahkan. Kota Alexanderia atau Iskandariah dirikan kerana kepentingan pelayaran di Laut Mediteranean untuk ke Greece dan menguasai lautan itu.

Perbezaan paling ketara antara kedua-duanya, Zulkarnain beragama Islam mengikut syariat Nabi Ibrahim sedangkan Alexander tidak beragama atau menganut fahaman Hellas atau Hellenism, suatu fahaman dalam masyarakat Greek waktu itu. Macedonia adalah sebuah negeri dalam Greece.

Zulkarnain memerangi kezaliman, penganiayaan dan menegakkan kebenaran, agama dan kemanusiaan, sedangkan Alexander menyerang untuk keagungan diri, memusnahkan kemanusiaan dan menghambakan manusia.

Jangan samakan Alexander dengan Zulkarnain yang memang agung menjadi contoh perjuangan untuk membina negara Islam kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Kisah Zulkarnain termaktub dalam wahyu Allah SWT, Alexander hanya dicatat dalam sejarah Eropah sebagai penjajah dan pemusnah kemanusiaan di seluruh dunia.


Thank to en zool ats nasihat yg diberikan...sdg sy terfikir2 nasihat yg cuba cry jalan penyelesaian bg masalah sy sebelum ini. Alhamdulillah...penyelesaian nya wujud apabila sy mendengar 1 lgu dr band Indonesia. Marilah sama2 kita dgarkan lagu yg telah menyelesaikan masalah sya.

Mari Shalawat

Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Thoha Rasulillah
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Yasin Habibillah
Tawasalna bibismillah, wa bilhadi Rasulillah,
Wa kulli mujahidin lillah, bi ahli badri, ya Allah

Daripada kita pacaran
Lebih baik kita sholawatan
Daripada kita berduaan
Nanti bakal di hasut setan

Awas jangan dekat-dekatan
Kita ‘kan belum ada ikatan
Daripada dekat-dekatan
Mending kita sholawatan

Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Thoha Rasulillah
Sholatullah salamullah, ‘ala Yasin Habibillah
Tawasalna bibismillah, wa bilhadi Rasulillah,
Wa kulli mujahidin lillah, bi ahli badri, ya Allah

Bukan aku tak suka padamu
Bukan aku tak mau denganmu
Tapi aku mau liat dulu
Setebal apa imanmu

Sudahlah engkau lupakan
Anggap saja kita ta’arufan
Sudahlah jangan kau pikirkan
Mending kita sholawatan

Cukup2lah bape taun dah idup sebagai seorang hipokrit...single is better than couple konon.. tp dalam hati ad taman....hmmm..ak ni lelaki..tengah remaja plak neh..keinginan mmg tinggi...bohong sgtlah kalo ak ckp ak tanak ade awek...standard la time2 umur cam gini...mane bleh tahan tgok kwn2 majoriti ad awek..kua mkan same..ujung minggu mcm lipas kudung..stdy same2..haish...sampai bile la ak boleh tahan...bekenan di mata ad ap bleh plak x bkenan dgn ak...xdela pulak ak nak myalahkan Maha pencipta....ak redho dgn sifat fizikal mcm kelebihan tersendiri..korang ap taw...asik2 nak menyindir xpe..hati ak da jadi batu..lantak la ap kome nak ckp..bukan rugi duit ak pon...sabo la yob...udoh xde org ndok kat kamu...ap bleh buat...ap yg penting...jgn kamu perbodohkan diri kamu sbb pompuan...kamu kne ingat..kamu ni spesis yg mula2 skali kne reject...kalo terdesak sgt2 br org cri kamu..hahah rasekan...beringat selepas kene...awek mane lah sggup terima ak..buat kne gelak dgn kwn2 deme jew...uish..kalo ak pon x ndok...buat pnas hati n tlinga jew..xmgapelah...selagi buleh tahan...tahan la..kalo xbleh tahan juga tahan lagi...kepada kengkwn yg sdang bahgia kat lua sane..ingat2lah...langit xslalu nye cerah...jgn seronok sgt.....


Atas permintaan ramai..jd sy dgn rela hati ingin berkongsi cara2 untuk menjimatkan uwang tanpa menonton muvie d TGV, Big cinemas mahupun GSC. Wbgaimanapun..anda mungkin akan digelar ketinggalan zaman n x up 2 date. Bak kate karam singh.."peduli haku..duit haku..hahaha" (sori pnjam nama)..Langkah2 adlah seperti brikut..kalo x paham jgak buang je laptop atau pc masing2.

Step 1

i. Pastikan anda mempunyai pelayar Mozilla Firefox version 3.0. ( kalo latest pya susah sket).
ii.Pastikan anda mempunyai software Bitcomet version 1.06 (version lain tkot x jd)

Step 2

i. Apabila anda dah mempunyai Bitcomet 1.06..sila pg ke tools--> options--> integration-->click install firefox extension for bitcomet ( rujuk gambar di bawah)

ii. Sila bkak Mozilla Firefox dan anda akan dapati add on telah pun dimasukkan kedalam firefox anda. (sila lihat gambar di bawah)

Step 3

i. Sila layari untuk mendownload muviee yg diingatkan supaya anda menjadi ahli dl..dlm kata lain register la jd jew pon.

ii. Sekiranya muviee yg nak di download telah di splitkan menjadi 2 depend on anda nak donload part 1 dl ke or kedua2 part sekali..xkesah..depend on speed internet korg la. (sila lihat cth dibwah)

*terdpt 3 part yg ptot di download. pilih salah 1 dahulu or ketiga2 pon boleh

Step 4

i. yang di kene paham betoi..salah buat jgn salahkan pok cik.. sy suggest kamu download melalui mediafire bg yg amateur..kalo pro..xpyah sibuk2 nak komen ci pok cik.
ii. sila lihat gambar di bwh bg mendapat gambaran.

* right click pada perkataan "click here to start download"
*then pilih "download this with Bitcomet"

Step 5

i Sila lihat picture di bawah dan ikut arahan berikut.

*paparan seperti akan keluar..pastikan di line "file size" memaparkan jumlah saiz file dan juga perkaraan "Resume supported" dengan warna hijau
* Kemudian silalah click "download now"

Step 6

i Proses mendownload muvii berjalan dengan lancar seperti berikut:

Step 7

i. ulang step 3 sampai habis semua part dlm muviee 2 anda download.
ii. Sila dpatkan software 'HJplit pro' untuk mencantumkan ke semua part agar menjadi 1 muviee.
iii. Software HJsplit pro boleh didapati di lawn web sendiri..kalo malas sgt sila la search --->

iv. Segala step2 untuk mencantumkan ada ditunjukkan kat link di atas..

sila klik pd gambar untuk besarkan gambar.

Selamat mencuba.......

May 15, 2010

Selamat Hari Guru

Hari ini merupakan hari guru bagi semua guru2 yg berada di muka bumi Allah ini. Tidak ketinggalan juga bg pensyarah2 yg berada di IPTA/IPTS. Selamat hari guru & pensyarah bg mereka. Walaupun 1 ketika dlu ak juga merupakan salah seorg guru, tetapi jasa sy xla stimpl dgn guru2 yg lain hanya sekadar guru sandaran tak terlatih. Tp menjadi seorg guru bkan lah senang sperti yang di sangkakan, walaupun hanya 5 bulan mengajar.

Melihat kepada situasi dan keadaan pelajar2 pada zaman sekarang amatlah berbeza jika nk dibandingkan dengan pelajar2 zaman dahulu. Jika dl pelajar2 amat takut dan menghormati guru masing2 tp tidak lagi sekarang. Cabaran yang dihadapi oleh guru2 zaman sekarang mestilah difahami oleh ibubapa. Ibubapa juga jgnlah terlalu menyalahkan guru2, kerana tanpa mereka nescaya anak2 mereka xkan jd orang.

Terima Kasih byk2 kepada guru2 dan pensyarah2 yg telah mengajar dan mendidik ak. Tanpa kalian semua ak mungkin x jd org mcm sekarang. Kalian telah membuka mata ak agar ak dapat melihat masa hadapan ak dan jalan mana yg ak patut pilih bg mencapainya.

Kepada smua guru2 dan pensyarah ak memohon maaf andai sekiranya ad mengecewakan kan dan menyakiti hatikan hati kalian smua. Jasamu tetap diingatanku. Hanya sedikit usaha lagi aku juga akan mengikut jejak langkah kalian menjadi pendidik anak bangsa.


Kami guru Malaysia
Berikrar dan berjanji
Mendidik dan memimpin
Putra putri negara kita

Pada Seri Paduka
Kami tumpahkan setia
Rukun Negara kita
Panduan hidup kami semua

Di bidang pembangunan
Kami tetap bersama
Membantu, membina
Negara yang tercinta

Amanah yang diberi
Kami tak persiakan
Apa yang kami janji
Tunai tetap kami tunaikan

Lagu & Lirik : Hashim Ahmad

Salam 1Malaysia....

Bagi pemilihan ahli-ahli jawatankuasa untuk sesi akan datang hendaklah dilakukan melalui undian di laman blog ini...Saya mengharapkan agar semua ahli2 MoBAC dpat mengundi calon masing2 dengan bijaksana. Dengan ini disertakan finalist2 yang yang telah dipilih oleh jawatankuasa pemilihan. Sila baca arahan dengan teliti. Buatlah pilihan yang bijak. Sila undi disebelah kanan blog ini. Gud Luck!

Jawatan Presiden

Nama: Muhammad Usamah Bin Abdul Sani
Ulasan: Midfielder Bola Sepak MoBAC, Orang Bt Gajah

Nama: Mohd Sukri Bin Ali
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: Super Senior, ahli MoBAC

Nama: Zulhelmi B Nasarudin
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: Kapten Bola Sepak MoBAC, AJK Logistik program Integriti Bestari, Bola Tampar MoBAC

Nama: Muhammad Faisal B. Rifa'i
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: Pemain Bola Sepak dan Bola Tampar MoBAC, Fasi program Integriti Bestari, class rep.

*Sila undi 2 calon sahaja bg jawatan Presiden

Jawatan Vice President

Nama: Siti Hajar Bt Md Isa
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Bekas Exco Perhubungan Korporat MoBAC, tunjang kemenangan 1Malaysia Journey

Nama: Siti Aminah Bt Mohd Bari
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Bekas S/U 2 MoBAC, efisien..

Nama: Siti Fairuz Binti Mohd Anuar
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Orang penting dlm Family Day MoBAC n next dinner

Nama: Diana Bt Nidzamudin
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: jawatankuasa Family Day MoBAC, Integriti Bestari

*Sila undi 2 calon sahaja bagi jawatan Vice President

Jawatan Setiausaha 1

Nama: Nor Hamizah Ghozali
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: ahli MoBAC

Nama: Rafiqa Irahayu Bt Rosman
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: menyertai program Konvoi MoBAC dan Asuhan Siswa

Nama: Noor Suhailah Binti Noor Alam
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: AJK Penginapan program Integriti Bestari

Nama: Siti Farhana Binti Mohd Rosli
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: ahli MoBAC

Nama: Nurul Izzati Bt Yusof
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: AJK Makanan program Integriti Bestari

Nama: Noor Shamimi Bt Idris
Bahagian: 4
Ulasan: menyertai program asuhan siswa (IBC)

* Sila undi 2 calon sahaja bagi jawatan Setiausaha 1

Bendahari 1

Nama: Riezuan Pozi
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Marshall program Konvoi MoBAC, program asuhan siswa, projek 1Malaysia Journey

Nama: Mohd Zahidan Bin Hj Hashim
Ulasan: Bekas Bendahari 2, pengarah projek lawatan muhibah abaccs, midfielder bola sepak MoBAC

Nama: Mohammad Aliff Bin Hamzah
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Bekas Pengarah Projek Family Day, AJK Logistik program Integriti Bestari

Nama: Muhd Nur Faiz Bin Roslan
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Class rep, naib setiausaha Family Day

Nama: Meor Mohamad Faiz b. Mohd Daud
Bahagian: 5
Ulasan: Bekas Exco Sukan & Rekreasi MoBAC, class rep

*Sila undi 2 calon sahaja bagi jawatan Bendahari 1

Bendahari 2

Nama: Sharifah Farawaheeda Wafa Bt Syed Jalaluddin
Bahagian: 2
Ulasan: ahli MoBAC

Nama: Syahirah Binti Abu Bakar
Bahagian: 2
Ulasan: ahli MoBAC

Nama: Hafizuddin
Bahagian: 2
Ulasan: Aktif dalam pelbagai sukan

* Sila undi 1 calon bagi jawatan Bendahari 2